Thursday, December 30, 2010

Feeling good!

Took today off work so I could get stuff done around the house before our party this weekend.  That's the only thing that sucks about throwing parties.  You gotta clean up before and after.  Booo

I'm on day 3 of my so called cleanse that I made up.  I have been feeling a little different.  That's the best way to explain it.  Almost light headed and a little out of it, but my energy levels are good.  I got 9 hours of sleep last night...ewwww  Atreyu just farted and now I can't think!  OMG Something is wrong with this dogs butt hole...Ok I gotta get out of this room for a min.  I'll go refill my water and come back.
Alright, I'm back, and that smell is still lingering. haha  Where was I? I just finished eating 1/2 of a grapefruit and drinking yerba mate tea.  I believe I have been eating around 800-1000 calories a day.  I still need to run 3 miles today.  I ran 4 yesterday, and had to stop a few times cuz I felt like I was going to pass out, but didn't...yay.  The weather is still pretty crappy, so I'll probably have to drive to the gym and run on the dreadmill again.  Poor Trey, I haven't taken him on a run for a long time now.  He's pissed, I can tell.  He punched me in the face the other day.  I was in the kitchen and said "Let's chop cats" and he jumped up and bitched slapped me right in the face! 
There is a bunch of delicious crap sitting out on the counter and I haven't had any desire to eat it this entire week.  I am so proud of myself.  I am going to weigh in tomorrow to see if I have lost any weight at all.  I will punch Atreyu right in the knee caps if I haven't...sooooo  *Fingers Crossed*  for mine and Trey's sake. :)

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