By that I mean they are each unique in their own way hehe but really, some of them are also flaky as hell! I am talking about one friend in particular right now...I have tried to re-connect with my old best friend from high school. We met in 7th grade and were inseparable until I got kicked out of my house and had to move in with my dad the day after 10th grade. I spent my summer and the following year in NV while she stayed up in UT. We talked a lot and even wrote letters to each other for a while. As time went on the phone calls and letters between us were less and less. I only lived in NV for a year and hated it so much that I called my mom up one day and asked if I could come back home. Her and my step father at the time were splitting up(he was the one who kicked me out) and she made arrangements for me to come back home. My moms friends were on a yacht somewhere on vacation and they were kind enough to let my mom, little sis and I stay at their house until my mom was able to find a house for us. I just realized I kind of went off track back to my friend and I...We did hang out a lot after I got back, but I really don't think we were ever the same after the whole move. I think we both went through so much in that short period of time in our lives and both of us had changed. I was too caught up in my boyfriend at the time(who is a whole other story in itself) that I ended up "quitting school" and got my GED at 17, moved into a little apartment and got a job. I was WAY too eager to grow up, and now I wish I would have enjoyed my teens, but that's life. I always have had to learn things the hard way. As we grew older and started making lives of our own, we grew more and more apart like most friendships do.
Any who, I got married at the young age of 19(to a different guy than the one mentioned above) and divorced at the young age of 21(that is also another story for another time) This is when our falling out happened. She claims she had misinterpreted something I had said about wanting to be alone after my divorce and said she thought that I was saying that directly to her(which I still don't believe that's why she stopped talking to me, actually I'm pretty sure I know the real reason but not ready to share that dirty laundry with the world just yet)
Years(not even sure how many) went by and we hardly talked or saw each other. I was so angry and sad that she just cut me off like that. I had made several attempts to talk to her but they never worked and I gave up. She was not fully to blame though because she had also made some attempts to hang out but I am stubborn so I decided to do the same thing she had done to me and just not respond or answer her phone calls. We played this stupid game for a long time and then one day I finally came to realization that our friendship was over...until about a month ago. I had been thinking about her a lot and said screw it, I'm going to try this again. I text her and asked her to go to dinner. And guess what!? She responded and we went out. It went really good! We had picked up where we left off, it was like all that time apart never happened.
This is where I refer back to the title of the post. It has been almost two months since we went to dinner, I have text her at least once a week to hang out and she has come up with an excuse every time. I know that she is busy with being married and having a baby now...and I understood that until this week. I wanted to take her out for her b-day(which was last week)so I told her I was going to purchase(non-refundable) tickets to a play and she confirmed she would go. Tonight is the play. Guess what? I got a text from her yesterday saying she wouldn't make it. Really??
So yet again, I am going to wash my hands of our friendship. She doesn't deserve mine anyway. :)
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