Wednesday, September 28, 2011


That's how I was stopped while walking at Gateway this afternoon for lunch, a guy on a bike rolls up to me.  
Here's how the conversation went;
Me "Oh yes, that is clear down on the opposite end."
And he said, "Oh okay, do you work there?"  
I said, "No."  
"Oh, well you look just like a girl that works there."
"No, sorry I thought you were asking where it was."
"Well, I was."
Awkward silence....
Him "So where are you walking to in such a hurry?"
No where, just on my lunch break.
Him "Oh well how nice that I can accompany you on your lunch.  Do you want me to sing you a song?"
Trying not to laugh, I politely declined.
Now I am wondering why didn't I say yes??  I mean, it's not every day that someone offers to serenade you.
Maybe next time...if there ever is one. ;)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011