Thursday, February 10, 2011

This lady needs her own reality show

You cannot believe the conversation I just had with a lady at work.  Actually, if you knew this lady, then you would believe it.  There isn't really a word to describe least I haven't been able to come up with one that fits.  If I want to waste at least 15 minutes of my time at work all I have to do is go into her office and say good morning, then it begins...
I tell her that I am training for a marathon and have been pretty sore.  Then she comes back with "Don't drink too much water or you'll die, it almost happened to my niece.  She was in the hospital for 2 days and continues to tell me every detail of what happened, this goes on for about 10 minutes, and all I have time to get in, is "Oh really, Yeah" and some head nods.  Then it turns into how it happened to her 10 years 1999(which is actually 12 years, but I didn't want to interrupt her) and how she was getting hypnotized to try to lose weight.  She said that they hypnotized her to constantly want water.  She tells me she drank 8, 32 oz glasses of water a day...ends up going to the Dr for that and he tells her that she is drowning herself from the inside out and that she needs to drink a soda in between the water to counteract the water....There are so many things wrong with that last sentence but I continue to listen because that's all you can do when chatting with this lady.  If you dare argue with what she says just plan on being in her office all day.  Then the story takes a turn for the worse...getting hypnotized caused her to break out in hives for 3 years...yes, 3 years.  Because her sub-conscious wouldn't allow her body to lose weight, so her mind was in a constant battle with itself and that's what caused the hives.  She tells me every part of her body that she had the hives and says the Dr. gave her a little red pill that made her not itch...and luckily she didnt' get them on her face.  Then she says I am lucky it was mostly winter when I had them because I just wore turtlenecks.  Wait, it was winter for 3 years??  Then someone walked in to tell us that there was chocolate cake and that ended the conversation real quick...she was all over that like white on rice.


  1. wow. this a great one!

  2. I forgot you had a blog too!! Keep blogging I love your stories. Love ya sista!
